Strategy execution is a mix of building the right processes, defining an effective structure which carefully decides accountabilities (DMP, decision making process), developing and constantly updating the required organizational capabilities at all management levels, and delivering transparent performance measurement systems.

However, execution is primarily about fostering and enhancing leadership that motivates and engages your teams as well as managing and planning the implementation of the change.

From middle management all the way up to the owners and CEOs, everyone must get involved in the details of execution. Formulating the strategy is a complex exercise but executing it throughout the organization is even more difficult, full of uncertainties and political blocks. It is where most executives fail. You need to get fully involved and understand that, as a top leader, it is the fundamental point in your management agenda.



"Pepe has been instrumental challenging our global leadership to ensure a fast execution of our strategy, as well as underlining leadership challenges associated with implementation. His passion and sense of humor wakes up any audience, ensuring that all participants are engaged and drive maximum value out of the program. Pepe delivers time after time... ".

Karl Weyeneth, Chief Operating Officer, Member of the Executive Board Panalpina AG






In consolidating the formulated strategy, I deliver a comprehensive and disciplined road map to ensure SMART EXECUTION: the creation of high performing teams that encompass leadership, clear accountability and sound organizational structure and capabilities.

In case you select PGC to enhance and speed up execution, we will analyse your strategy and execution status, listen to you and together determine how strong your current execution capabilities are, at which stage you are facing the biggest challenges and then deciding where to focus and how to boost your performance: Is it to build a professional balanced scorecard which clearly translates the strategy to concrete operational terms and aligns the whole company to the strategy? Is it about non-performing organizational structures that need to be redesigned? Is it about setting and communicating a clear decision making process? Is it a lack of leadership at management level? Is it a lack of serious change management strategy and planning? Is it a question of filling capability gaps, or some new competences to be developed at management level? Or do you need new talents in your organization?

Let’s discuss it…