Every company must have a strategy, an integrated overarching concept of how the business will evolve, what the targets and main goals will be and how they are to complement each other to achieve the desired objectives.

The wise approach is not to feel comfortable with your success in the past without having a “clear, well defined and communicated” strategy. Of course you have been successful to arrive to where you are today. The smart question to ask is how could I have done it better, and beyond that, but how much better I will do with a solid strategy.

The real challenge when seriously formulating any strategy is cutting cost or raising revenues or both. Well, I am against the simplistic cost cutting exercises which at the end of the day never guarantee sustainability. We like to be cost conscious but without touching neither the core nor possible value added activities, those things that in the end create client value.

No strategy developed exclusively by external consulting companies is either implemented or even implementable... You need to work hand in hand with your consulting partner, take responsibility of each step, put the best team and resources behind and feel it is yours if you want to make it workable and secure that it happens. PGC is here to facilitate such a process, that is my job.